Assessment Pathways

An assessment pathway is a process of gathering information to learn about a person’s needs and ability to function in order to determine the best treatment for them. The assessment includes questions about the presenting problem, and evaluation of their current physical and mental status, and the formulation of the findings. The outcome is to determine the need for care and recommend appropriate services and/or treatment.

  • Each Assessment Pathway is designed in four parts:

  • Intake Meeting

    Once a referral has been received, two professionals at MOVE will meet with the individual for an intake meeting. During this meeting, general information is gathered, and the individual is informed about the pathway process.

  • Assessment process

    Depending on the needs of the individual, the assessments required are scheduled. 

  • MDT Discussion Report and Feedback 

    When all the scheduled assessments are completed, the multidisciplinary team (MDT) meets up monthly and discusses the findings of these assessments. Furthermore, during the MDT meeting, the person's strengths and areas needing improvement are identified. This gives a holistic picture of the person being assessed and allows MOVE to recommend an individually tailored care plan, which is then fed back to the individual and their guardian/s (if the client is a minor) by two professionals from MOVE.

  • Intervention

    Once the feedback has been given, the client may follow their individually tailored care plan. The care plan may include interventions offered at MOVE. For a comprehensive list of the interventions provided at MOVE, please refer to the ‘List of Services’ section.

  • Lifestyle Changes Pathway

    We deliver a set of expert medical and psychological services that will sustainably improve overall physical and mental wellbeing through the lifestyle changes pathway. MOVE aims to help individuals looking to make sustainable lifestyle changes through better choices on their physical and mental health, physical activity, nutrition, and psychological interventions.

  • Eating Disorders Pathway

    This pathway supports those struggling to find the balance between food intake, exercise and injury. Our Eating and Feeding Disorder Team supports those who face challenges in their eating habits, including over-evaluation of weight and body shape, avoidant/restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders. This team works hand in hand with our physical wellbeing team to address any injuries or injury risk and together create a holistic care plan to guide you on your journey towards improved physical and mental health.

  • Elite Athlete performance

    This pathway is aimed at helping participants to reach their full athletic potential. At MOVE, we believe in marginal gains, by paying attention to detail we deliver improvement in every area that will provide a competitive edge. This is achieved through a broad range of psychological

    sports therapies and sports medicine infused with biomechanics, orthopaedics, cardiology, nutrition and podiatrist specialist skills