Elite pathway - to bring out the winner in you
Elite pathway - to bring out the winner in you
Are you that dedicated athlete who trains most days and races regularly but recently have been struggling to find the mojo in your performance or get that personal best? If so look no further!
At MOVE we are made up of a versatile multidisciplinary team that addresses elite athletes needs through the latest evidence-based physical and mental health aspects. The Elite pathway consists of four steps, assessment, multidisciplinary team discussion, feedback & report and intervention.
The assessment involves carrying out a number of tests to identify your baseline level of fitness, your strengths and weaknesses. The information gathered during all your assessments will be fed back and discussed between professionals at a multidisciplinary team meeting. Then two professionals from different specialist fields will feedback on the findings and discuss with you the goals you wish to attain.
At MOVE we believe in marginal gains, by paying attention to detail we will help you improve by that 1% in every area which will give you the cutting edge over other athletes. We offer a broad range of psychological sports therapies which stem from psychodynamic backgrounds, non-directional existential approaches to cognitive behaviour therapies which include REBT and ACT as well as mindfulness therapies. Through these approaches we will address any issues you may have with self-confidence, attentional focus during an event, motivation, threat vs challenge approach towards a performance, performance anxiety, overtraining, mental toughness and eating difficulties.
At MOVE we infuse sports medicine with biomechanics, orthopaedic, cardiologist, nutritionist, musculoskeletal and podiatrist specialist skills, so as to identify the nuances in your sport’s performance and give you the courage to focus more on your strengths whilst addressing your weaknesses through individual and group interventions. To this, we offer adjunct therapies which include Pilates and sports massages.
We also use cutting edge sport science to assess your physiological status and re-test these parameters every three months, to objectively monitor your progress together with questionnaires that give us outcome measure feedback.