
Screening can detect a problem before you have any symptoms. Finding out you have a health problem or an increased chance of a health problem can help people make better-informed decisions about their health. Screenings are offered to individuals and also to athletics groups and clubs and include the following:

  • Mental health screening

    Questionnaires to pick up at-risk people for mental disorders and to enhance performance, to build an elite athlete.

  • Physical Health Screening

    Physical health screening undertakes a medical history, family history and physical examination including blood pressure, heart and lung examination, and this is complemented by full blood tests. Blood tests would include a full blood count, liver and kidney function, thryoid status, Vitamin B12, iron, folic acid and prostate check (males only).  An annual physical health screening is recommended, to identify asymptomatic disease and to ensure a good clean bill of health. Additional screening, such as resting ECG, lung function tests, extra blood tests (including Vitamin D) can be taken as requested/indicated.

  • Nutritional screening

    Assessing current dietary habits, anthropometric measures including percentage body fat, analysis of food hypersensitivity- allergies or intolerance, and identifying possible disordered eating patterns.